Dear Friends & Readers,

It has taken an incredible amount of work to reach this point, but the end is in finally in sight. I’ve spent the last three months preparing my Flash Crash manuscript, having it professionally edited, formatting the cover and the text for numerous digital and physical formats, and beginning the process of marketing and publicity. Having known absolutely nothing about publishing before this, there has been a steep learning curve involved. But it’s also been quite enjoyable, and even though I have yet to sell a single copy, it’s extremely rewarding to be completely in control of getting this enthralling story out into the world. I’m going to write a longer post in a few months containing more details about what I’ve learned about self-publishing. But for this post, I just want to make a few notes about what Flash Crash is, and isn’t.

Flash Crash is a real book. One thing I’ve realized in my research on self-publishing is the absolute multitude of products out there. All one must do is spend a few hours clicking around, to understand the ecosystem. There are tons of authors releasing books that come in at under a hundred and fifty, or under two hundred pages. These “books” have word counts of under 40,000 words, which really makes them novellas or worse. In addition, serialized books are popular, in which there are no endings, only cliffhangers.

I’m not against any of these types of writing, but it’s just not what I love.

What I love is reading a good, long, book with deep characters and an awesome and gripping plot. Flash Crash currently comes in at over 80,000 words and around 300 pages. It’s a novel. It has a beginning, middle and end.

Flash Crash is an electrifying technothriller and heist mystery about a “quant” at an investment bank who is coerced into causing a flash crash in the gold market.

It is also a series, and establishes a character in Jake Rivett, my unorthodox NYPD Detective:

Jake Rivett is a twig-skinny, pale-as-a-ghost, leather-wearing, Ducati-riding, screamo-band-moonlighting, NYPD detective. 

Jake is a character that you’ll be able to get behind for future novels. And I’m working on those novels now. But that doesn’t mean that Flash Crash is just a “piece” of a narrative. No. It’s a real book, a one-off that you can take on vacation with you this Spring Break or Summer and read from back to front and leave feeling fully satisfied. I can’t wait until it’s out and you can all start reading . . .

And it will be out. It will be out soon. Where’s my drumroll? No, that’s just the silence of the internet. Anyway:

Flash Crash will be released on Kindle, and for physical book orders, on Wednesday, April 13th, 2016!

And here is the cover that we’ve been working on for a long time now, ready for public consumption:


Flash Crash: A technothriller novel by Denison Hatch

Flash Crash: A technothriller novel by Denison Hatch


Thanks so much. As we get closer, I’ll be back with some free giveaways, the free first chapter, and more news! So make sure to sign up for my mailing list so you miss nothing!

(BTW – About the mailing list. I don’t use it. I am like the laziest internet marketer on Earth, because I’m not a marketer. I’m a writer. And I truly hate spam. So I get it. You won’t be bombarded with an email every few days, like some authors. You won’t even get an email a month. Just a few a year, with only the most pertinent information).

– Denison